How is it to work in Magnet House

We have an unwritten "rule" in non formal education sector: we can and should deliver good quality learning experiences, no matter the resources available. But being able to implement your training activities in a place where the environment, the space, the resources available are created as your "invisible" co-trainer that supports both practically and ethically your educational purpose, it is a far better option and leads to greater impact and results! Magnet is such a space, created by trainers, with and for trainers.
Adult Educator

Magnet House is not just a place. As the name says, it is 'magnetizing' you for learning... It's a magical place for making all creative processes come true, but this time not like a fairytale, but like a life-changing moment. The one that stays with you until the end of time, no matter if you are a trainer, facilitator, learner. MH is truly an amazing space in its core and surrounding. What actually makes it different - it emanates the values of cooperation, colaboration and solidarity, three main terms which we are missing in these crutial times as educators towards youth, collegues and community.

Magnet House is one of those places that instantly feels like home! It (together with its humans) immediately embraces you into its warmth, its unique story and a charming character and you feel that the only thing you need to focus on is to make the most out of the learning process that is unfolding within its premises. And this is exactly what a great learning environment should do: host you effortlessly, while, at the same time, offer a rich diversity of spaces that cater for different learners and their needs. And it goes beyond that: it becomes an invisible, yet powerful element in group and in the learning process in a way that only a few other learning environments can do!