Magnet’s primary focus is on fostering awareness and understanding of cultural diversity as a valuable asset transcending generations and borders, as well as promoting innovative practices in engaging young people as catalysts for societal change through non-formal educational processes, participation in culture and practice of art, international activism and networking.
digital transformation: digital governance, participation, activism, inclusion
Digital Navigator:
Guiding Activists, Educators and Youth Workers in a Connected World

The project is about collaborative learning to inspire positive change and innovation in the digital realm. It equips youth workers, trainers and activists from Magnet (Serbia) and IJGD (Germany) with essential digital skills to enhance their impact in areas such as gender equality, human rights, and environmental protection. It focuses on fostering digital literacy, inclusive practices, and online safety, directly engaging participants from diverse backgrounds.
Erasmus+ Key Action 2: Small Scale Partnerships
non-formal education, trainers, well-being
Trainer`s life and how to hack it

We examined different aspects of non formal education trainers’ life and challenges and offered recommendations focused on the practical, emotional and physical aspects of a trainer's well-being.
Erasmus+ Key Action 2: Cooperation Partnerships
environment, culture, nature
Culture-Coding: Contributing to a culture of environmental concern

We explored the influence of culture on beliefs, attitudes and behaviours of individuals and communities in relation to environmental issues.
Erasmus+ Key Action 2: Capacity Buildling in the Field of Youth
non-formal education, trainers, well-being
Fair Play:
The Power Games

We addressed gender related issues such as power structures and inequality in the access to rights and power distribution in the society. We explored the effects of unequal power distribution in politics, economy and at home, summing up the overall image of the position of woman in the society.
Erasmus+ Key Action 1: Mobility of Youth Workers and of Young People
mindfullness, self-awareness, wellbeing
Peace of Mind

We worked with youth workers on tools to support young people's
personal wellbeing and self-care (mindfulness, yoga, meditation and othertechniques), while increasing professional achievements through better awareness of their own and needs of their colleagues and target group.
Erasmus+ Key Action 1: Mobility of Youth Workers and of Young People
youth, conntemporary dance, women empowerment, rural
Women's Stories:
Youth challenge traditional folkloristic narratives in cultural heritage of Serbia through contemporary dance

The project contributes to young artists' creative and aesthetic development. It focuses on youth from rural areas, aiming to directly involve young artists and young performance attendees from rural regions of Vojvodina, in the event to be held in Veliki Gaj in September 2024.
The Ministry for Tourism and Youth of the Republic of Serbia
collective spaces, activism, networking
Youth Transformative Places:
Improve (young) people's participation and territories through collective spaces

Together with 11 partners from Europe, Magnet is seeking ground for an informal European network of transformative spaces, that enable individual, particulartily of young people, collective and territorial transformations.
Erasmus+ Key Action 1: Mobility of Youth Workers
gender, stereotypes, consumerism
Food for Thought:
Gendered and Classed Consumption

We challenged the participants on stereotypes and norms about gender and class so that they become empowered to live their lives in a fuller and more free way, have greater respect for other ways of life, and make more informed consumer choices.
Erasmus+ Key Action 1: Mobility of Youth Workers and of Young People
environment, culture, nature
Promoting Rights, Inclusion, Diversity and Education

We supported civil society organisations to address the needs of young LGBTQ+ people sustainably and with highly developed competence and so to decrease bias and discrimination towards them.
Erasmus+ Key Action 1: Mobility of Youth Workers